PARIS | CHAPON - Programmation Mycélium

3 May > 8 Jun 2024

Louise DUNETON, Cornelia EICHHORN Entre-deux


For its first duo exhibition, the ?Mycélium?programme? has brought together two visual artists ? Louise Duneton and Cornelia Eichhorn.

Louise Duneton is a painter. Colour contrasts, subtle gradations of colour, colour so diluted it?s barely there? Using ink and water and a variety of formats, Louise Duneton works with colour as if it was a living, moving organism from which new images are constantly emerging. Cornelia Eichhorn, meanwhile, ?sculpts? in colour, cutting and assembling pieces of coloured paper, interweaving and overlaying them to create compositions that are like fragile segments of vivid lace. What underlies these two singular and very different modes of artistic expression is a shared passion for 17th- and 18th-century anatomical plates. In exploring the human body, each artist envisions intimate inner landscapes; each of them asks questions about the body and deconstructs it in order to understand it better ? in the sense of both ?having? a body and ?being? a body, of both the visible and the invisible. Their art is organic and inhabits the ?l?entre deux?, the space between inner and outer. They invite us to shift our gaze from the surface of the paper, the ?skin?, and look inwards, as a means to anchoring ourselves more firmly in the world that we inhabit with our whole body.

?Entre-deux? offers a fascinating perspective on two personal series ? two different ways of looking at the same theme. The result is a collaborative effort, a highly colourful and entirely original dialogue that constitutes a series in its own right.  The exhibition, at the Huberty & Breyne?s Paris I Chapon gallery space, is due to run from 3 May to 8 June 2024.

The skin is where it all begins. The largest and heaviest organ of the human body, the skin is a ?between-space?, both the façade we present to the world and the barrier between inside and out, a membrane that simultaneously protects and exposes. It is both a window display and a closed casket. Skin is the first part of our bodies to be shown, seen and touched. And skin ? the area that surrounds it, that lies both beneath and above it ? is the focus of Louise Duneton and Cornelia Eichhorn?s creative activity for this exhibition. Skin ? the thing that lies ?between? us and the world ? is both the subject and the object of this creative encounter between two highly talented artists.

Thursday 2 May, from 6.00 pm
In the presence of the artists

From Friday 3 May to Saturday 8 June 2024

Saturday 18 May, from 4.00 pm
Presentation of new work by Maïté Grandjouan, followed by reception, in the company of Louise Duneton and Cornelia Eichhorn, and signing session

Saturday 25 May, from 1.30 pm
Flash Tattoo day with Yokogaga and 1thingfor1day

Saturday 1 June, at 4.00 pm
Reception and talk by dermatologist Valérie Bitbol on the subject of medicine and art

PARIS | Chapon
19 - 21 Rue Chapon 75003 Paris
Wednesday > Saturday 1.30 pm ? 7.00 pm