François Craenhals, Pom et Teddy, Le talisman noir, Tome 2, 1958, Couverture de l'album

Le talisman noir, Tome 2
Couverture de l'album
India ink on paper
34 x 28 cm ( 13,39 x 11,02 in )
Editor Lombard
id. 6962
After the end of the Second World War, it was through Journal Tintin and Journal Spirou that Franco-Belgian publishers of chil-dren?s comics vied with one another for a share of the market.And when, in the early 1950s, Editions du Lombard and Éditions Dupuis got into their stride, they began developing their own album departments and promoting their own series, filling the bookshops with beautifully produced books full of colour illustrations.Of the two, it was Éditions du Lombard which really made their mark, in 1950, by creating a luxury object that was to prove a veri-table publishing milestone: the red linen album with a ?bearskin? or ?chequered? back cover ? the ultimate collector?s item!In March 1958, Le Talisman Noir (The Black Talisman) in the Pom et Teddy series, the creation of François Craenhals, was the 40th addition in this Lombard linen-book publishing saga. With its mythical blue-check back cover, the book was to feature in the lists of those future collectors who really knew their stuff...