Bruxelles - Espace rencontres

11 > 22 Jun 2019

Exposition des étudiants de l'ERG


The students of BAC2 section NARRATION are showing their works in the context of their end-of-year evaluation by an external jury.
The multidisciplinary approach, specific to the ERG (École de Recherche Graphique), enables students to interpret "narration" in all its forms and to challenge its conventions, with a view to exploring and manipulating the narrative aspects of both the still and the animated image.
The practical courses are based on research and critical analysis of the innumerable ways in which we "tell" the world/worlds. Rather than focusing on classical narrative schemas, the multidisciplinary narration workshop explores the multiplicity of contemporary narrative practices (both fictional and factual), from literary text, via media writing, performance and video, to comic strip, illustration and animation.