21 Mar > 26 Apr 2025


Sergio Aquindo’s multifarious body of work encompasses drawings, illustrations, engravings and collages where a subtle alchemy is at play, a merging of the darkly realistic, the absurd and the dreamlike. The Argentinian artist’s flashes of wit are as numerous as his pen strokes, that use (sometimes to gritty effect) of dense hatching to produce a style of drawing that allies him to the likes of Bruegel, Goya and Magritte. His optical greys conjure up an atmosphere of strangeness and unreality which smacks of fairytale and the roman noir. Thanks to his ability to blend different artistic approaches, Sergio Aquindo offers the viewer multiple visions of the world. Skewed visions, inevitably, as the title of his collection of press drawings (forthcoming from Éditions Rackham), and the title of this exhibition, indicates. Tout va mal – harsh assertion of a pessimist or a press artist’s ironic nod to Roland Topor’s Monde immonde.

Showcased at the Salon du Dessin d'Arles in 2024, Sergio Aquindo’s work is the focus of a one-man show, his first in Paris, due to run from 21 March to 26 April 2025 at the Huberty & Breyne gallery at 21 rue Chapon. The exhibition is envisaged as a miniature “cabinet of curiosities” in which press drawings, illustrations from La Mère machine, engravings from Harry and the Helpless Children and freestyle drawings, in both black and white and colour, coexist without distinction or hierarchy – fragments of our current world, and the accumulating stuff of history, with and without a capital H, a singular universe-in-drawings which invites the viewer in, offering an experience that is both moving and thought-provoking.

Thursday 20 March 2025
from 06:00 p.m to 09:00 p.m
in the presence of the artist

Saturday 29 March at 04:00 p.m

From Friday 21 March 2025
to Saturday 26 April 2025

PARIS | Chapon - 21
21 Rue Chapon 75003 Paris
Wednesday > Friday 01:30 p.m -07:00 p.m
Samedi 12:00 a.m - 07:00 p.m