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Xavier Löwenthal was born in 1970 in Belgium, in the municipality of Schaerbeek. After graduating from the Saint-Luc art school in Brussels, he founded the publishing house La Cinquième Couche.
Löwenthal is associated personally with some dozen books – either as author and illustrator (Cotton Schwob, Iphigénie, Lettres à Pauline,...), or as writer (La Station, Les Aventures de Wim Delvoye,...), or as collaborator on a collective project (“Le Coup de grâce”, etc).
His name is also linked to two titles signed Judith Forest (1h25 and Momon), and to various pirated versions of books such as Katz (inspired by Art Spiegelman's Maus and destroyed by court order) and Noirs (a blue version of Peyo's black Smurfs).

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