Mentions légales

Huberty & Breyne, SPRL, registered with the ECB under number BE 0821 063 230 and whose registered office is located at 33 Place du Châtelain, 1050 Brussels (Ixelles), Belgium. - Telephone number: +32 (0)2 893 90 30 - email:

Access to this website (, as well as the use of its content is made in accordance with the general conditions of use of the site and the general conditions of online sale of works of art exhibited on the site. These general conditions are available in French, under the following link CGU/CGV. The fact of accessing and browsing this site constitutes on the part of the Internet user an unreserved acceptance of these conditions.

The general conditions of use of the site and the general conditions of online sale of works of art exhibited on the site are governed by Belgian law and any dispute relating thereto shall be submitted to the competent court of the district of Brussels (article 19 of the general conditions of use and sale).

Specialized for nearly 30 years in original comic strip art, Huberty & Breyne has become an international reference in the field of 9th Art. Present in Brussels and Paris, the Gallery offers collectors a rigorous selection of original works signed by the greatest masters of the line such as Hergé, Franquin, Martin, Hubinon or Schuiten. It is the exclusive representative of Milo Manara and is also committed to contemporary artists such as Philippe Geluck, François Avril, Jean-Claude Götting, Loustal, Miles Hyman and Christophe Chabouté. The Gallery offers its selection of works for sale, notably through its online sales website (

Huberty & Breyne is responsible for the content of the website.
The website is hosted by Curator Studio.