
Duplex Paris-Bruxelles
Vente aux enchères - Millon

15 > 15 Jun 2014


More than 450 plates and original illustrations will be sold at auction on the 15th of June 2014.  This session showcases the Franco-Belgian comic strip, thanks to a selection of classic and contemporary works assembled by experts Alain Huberty and Marc Breyne.
From Franquin via Moebius, Druillet, Peyo, Jijé, Roba, de Crécy, Loustal, Götting, Vuillemin and Blutch, the catalogue offers quality works at affordable prices.
 Among the lots on offer, of particular note are two beautiful India ink illustrations by Franquin produced for the Festival de Chambéry, one representing two dancing elephants (3,000–4,000€) and the other featuring the famous Gaston Lagaffe, standing on an elephant’s trunk (6,000–8,000 €).