
Vente aux enchères - Millon

6 > 6 Dec 2015


The sale will open with a historic auction of the most stunning collection of covers and original plates relating to Pif Gadget hero "RAHAN, Fils des Âges Farouches". These 31 covers and original plates from the family collections of Roger Lécureux, creator and writer of the series (from 1969 to 2010), and of series illustrator André Chéret, will be sold at auction simultaneously in Paris and Brussels.
This is the first time that such works have been offered for sale and, according to the son of Roger Lécureux, "it’s impossible to say if there will ever be another such sale".
The works are expected to fetch between 4,000 euros for a large-format plate and 13,000 euros for the colour cover of issue 17 of Rahan Trimestriel (1976).