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For over thirty years, Andreas has been peopling the imaginative world of the comic strip withhis inspired creations. Born in 1951, this German master of fantasy lives his waking nightmares in the persons of Cromwell Stone, Rork and Capricorne, heroes of the paranormal who wander at the frontiers of parallel worlds, inhabiting unknown dimensions and shifting back and forth between zones of colour and the world of black and white.
Andreas's line drawings disrupt the classic grid pattern of the comic strip, blast narrative codes sky high and whip up the imagination, ushering the reader towards new dream horizons. The author trips up our traditional reading habits, ensnares rationality and constantly reinvents the art of story telling in the manner of Howard Phillips Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe. He makes a mockery of the relativity of time, the principle at the very core of his work.
In 1978, when he started out in Tintin magazine, comic strips were always in colour, but when  À Suivre brought black and white into fashion Andreas published Révélations posthumes, co-created with François Rivière, in the magazine.
An expert in the use of hatching and scratchboard, Andreas regards limitations as something merely to be overcome. It is as if he were fuelled by some kind of metaphysical energy, one of that superior race of creative beings capable of dematerialising narrative, bulldozing constraints in order to breakinto hitherto unknown dimensions of the 9th Art. The keys to his universe send us hurtling off into other worlds and his supernatural graphics flirt on occasion with abstract art.

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