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Philippe Vuillemin is to comics what Delépine and Kervern are to the cinema: an anti-conformist with anarchic tendencies, more than mere mischief maker, but less radical than a punk.
Vuillemin is a direct descendant of Jean-Marc Reiser, his style instinctive and messy, if not downright or dirty. His own expression for it is "ligne crade", the dirty line, an ironic reference to Hergé's "Ligne claire", and Vuillemin is quite happy to doodle, to deliberately smudge, re-draw, cut out and stick his drawings until he achieves a result that satisfies his animal instincts. An original by Philippe Vuillemin is more than just a drawing: it tells a story, retracing the act of creation itself, as evidenced by the fingerprints, the smears of cigarette ash and coffee littering the finished product.
Born in 1948, Philippe Vuillemin naturally gravitated towards L'Echo des Savanes, Hara-Kiri and Charlie Mensuel when hunger struck. Aside from a drawing style that totally overturned comic strip conventions of the time, Vuillemin stands out due to his uncompromising tone and his love of vulgarity. With this free and easy writer, lavatorial jokes and obscenities fall like spring rain. Determined to turn the most dubious subject matter into a joke, as in Hitler = SS, where he sails perilously close to the wind, Vuillemin can sometimes leave the rest of us floundering.
He divides opinion, and he lets us know about it even in the corridors of the Académie des Grands Prix d'Angoulême, whose prize Vuillemin was awarded in 1995, to Morris's absolute disgust.

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